Monday, January 28, 2013

I will Build an iPhone App

I will Build an iPhone App

I will build an iPhone App! You must understand, the only experience I have in programming is machine language, which went the way of the dinosaur, I can write batch files, but who use DOS anymore. To tell you the exact extent of my knowledge in iOS, (Hello World!), thats right, the first line of code, any programmer learns, what would we do without, (Hello World!), maybe when computers first came out, that was a grand accomplishment, now it is just a cliche. So when I had this grand idea, that I would build an iPhone App, it would be safe to say I had no idea what I was getting myself into.

DEC 4 2012

What is the first thing you do? If you are me you would research, research, research, buy a book, download some tutorials, maybe there is a program that will make it easy. After you have exhausted all of these options, at the end of the day, you are just as confused as you where when you started. It is time to get serious, just open up Xcode, Apple’s software development program to help you write, program, build an iPhone App.  At first you just stir at the screen, asking yourself, which idea, should I put to task first, then you fantasize about how elaborate your App will be. You start to think about all the things your App will do, maybe even become the top selling App of 2013. Then reality sets in again and you get a good dose of, What where you thinking, I am not a programmer. By now an hour or more has gone by, and you have not written one line of code, you have not even click, start new project. Give up now, just close your laptop, and go watch TV, or surf the Web, leave the programming to the experts.

DEC 5 2012

Had a dream, about a good idea, for an App, I was excited about this, and could not wait to open Xcode for round two of, I will build an iPhone App! Same problem as yesterday, I do not know what I am doing, but this time I have a conceptual design in my head, of what the App will look like, what it will do. Now the question is, how do I make it do that? That is the HOW, the great motivator, ever quest should start with a HOW. So, I  am back to the web, searching google, searching apple forums, all the sites that help you find the answer to, how can I make Xcode or the iPhone do that? I am sorry but, I will not be giving away my idea, just yet. I will tell you this, I have found the answer to the first HOW. This time when I opened Xcode, I went right to Create a New Xcode Project, I wrote my first line of code, I wrote another line of code, I was done with .h, now to move to .m. I wrote some more code, I was doing it, I was programming, small steps lead to great adventures. I went to story board and created some buttons, attached the buttons to the code, clicked run, click the button in the App, wa la, it worked, I had just produced a random number. Now this is far from the final App, but it was a start. If you are going to build an App, you need assets, assets are all the things that give the App and the code life, this includes pictures, sounds, and animation, and labels. This would require another type of program, a drawing program. Time to get to work creating the assets.

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