Tuesday, February 5, 2013

I Will Build an iPhone App Part 4

DEC 29 2012

Checked google out to see if anyone else was experience a problem with Xcode crashing, and what, if anything, I could do to stave off this displeasing issue. Sure enough a few people, had the very same thing happen, it would seem that if auto layout is selected in Xcode, it would cause the App to crash. This is based on how many buttons and other data is used in your App. The solution, uncheck auto layout, and continue with your project, the solution worked and I was iOS software developer again.
Imagine that, something as small as a check mark in a little box, brings Xcode one of the most powerful programs to its knees. Also, almost caused the derailment of my first iPhone App.

Back to the drawing board, I was now putting Humpty Dumpty back together again, I had put the majority of the assets back in place and attached them to the code, had a successful build and run. It felt good to be back in business, I will tell you this, you have to be dedicated to the project, it would be great if the software behaved like you think, or maybe it was a drag and drop tool, however it would appear that the person who invented programming never intended for other people to use it. There where syntax errors galore, you would never think that a quotation mark or curly bracket, how about a misplaced parenthesis, and other little announces would cause the App not to run. What good is debugging if it does not tell whats wrong, I am just saying, some things you just have to give me details, to why it does not work or what is wrong. Come on apple throw a dog a bone, would you.

I will tell you, I relied heavily upon youtube, google, and apple, and stackoverflow.com, to help find the answers to the HOW moments.

DEC 30 2012

All the @%{[):;”” where starting to run together (that is coding syntax, not the other stuff), I was seventy-five percent complete, and ran into a major problem with my App. I had the HOW question, but could not find the solution, if and else statements are great in coding, but until you string a serious of them together, you really cannot grasp how the logic works. 

At this time I decided to focus on the sounds my App would make, yes you guessed it, I needed more assets, but sounds are tricky, because someone has manage to copyright, the sounds. You can try to make your own, button have you ever tried to record the sound an ATM machine button makes. I envisioned standing in front of an ATM machine, with my smartphone, trying to record the sound, when a police officer pulls up and arrest me for tampering with an ATM machine. How about the sound a cash register makes, again, with todays technology, are you really trying to record a sound or trying skim someone’s credit card number. Too many questions, not worth the hassle, so I broke down and purchased the sounds from the internet, and now I own the copyright to the sound an ATM machine makes, not really, but it sounds good to say anyway. 

My contact information can be found at my websites: 

Just email me at 1in100uwin@gmail.com.

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