Wednesday, February 6, 2013

I Will Build an iPhone App Part 5

DEC 31 2012

Decided to take a little vacation from software development.

No Data.......................

JAN 1 2012

It felt so good to relax, did it again.

No Data......................

JAN 2 2013

Attached the sound files to the program, had to setup audio service framework in Xcode to do this, attached the sounds to each button, but to get an individual sound to play at giving interval, puzzled me, and the internet had these long drawn out solutions, that did not work and caused my App to crash. Oh no not again, I have come so far, what now. Deleted the lines of code, and will try again later. Tried to fix another major problem, Xcode was trying to tell me why the App would freeze and take me to the debugging process, however at the same time, it stated that there where no issues. 

Need a break!

JAN 3 2013

I have become antisocial, and only able to communicate in x’s, o’s, curly brackets, percentage signs, integers, plus signs, factually I am finding it hard to write today. I have not worked on my other blogs, I have not updated my websites, and I have completely stopped thinking about the novel I was working on. The only thing that I can think about is HOW, HOW, HOW to get my App to do this. How did they get their App to do that? 

I had to create sample projects, so that I do not continue to cause issues with the main App. My desktop is cluttered with all of these sample Apps, it is quite a learning experience, and at this point, I am considering letting the professionals finish my App. 

Besides who is going to buy my App anyway, I have put days into this project. What if apple do not even approve it, for the App store? Why can’t I get the scoring process to work? Why does my animation not work? The timer is out of sync with the App, I need to focus on one thing at a time, I need to solve one problem at a time, my brain is like spaghetti on a tea fork. 

I am walking away for a while.

My contact information can be found at my websites: 

Just email me at

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