Wednesday, October 16, 2013

My Latest App, Play Kings Assassin Today!


Fast pace card game that will bring you to the edge of your seat.
Can be very frustrating!

You the player can play on four different scenes.

Play as the King and arrange the cards with 4 Kings to save your life.
Or get 4 Aces or 5 spades to defeat the Assassin. 

Play as the Queen arrange the cards with 4 Queens and save the King.
Or 5 diamonds to defeat the Assassin, or 5 Clubs and join Jack to defeat the King. 

Play as Jack arrange the cards with 4 Jacks to save the King.
Or 5 clubs to defeat the Assassin, or 5 Hearts and join the Queen to defeat the King. 

Play as the Assassin arrange the cards with 4 Aces and defeat the King.
Or get 4 Kings or 5 spades and show no mercy. 

Seven cards are dealt to each player, the remainder of the deck is passed 1 card at a time, if you get the desired hand before the cards run out you win. If the cards run out before you get your desired hand you lose your crown.

Did I mention that the game is booby trapped? 
Do Not worry you will be fine, just watch out for the other players.

To Play

  • Touch Play
  • Choose a Character
  • Evaluate Your Hand, which is the only face up cards, at the bottom.
  • Touch Draw to deal card from the deck.
  • Decide to discard a card or pass a card in your hand, you have seven cards, above the seven cards is 7 letters  D,I,S,C,A,R,D, these letters control the card directly below it. Touch the letter corresponding to the card you wish to discard. If you do not want to discard a card, continue to the next step. If you do, touch the letter, and touch it again, you will receive the dealt card, also you will have dealt the next card. Caution: Take your time, you cannot undo what has been done!
  • Touch Pass (NOTE: Draw deals to YOU, Pass deals to the other PLAYERS.)
  • Your goal is to build a winning hand before you run out of cards, or before one of the booby traps is fired.
  • Below are examples of a winning hand.
As you play you will get better at evaluating the best arrangement to win.


You have to get 2,3,4,5,6 of a suit or 9,10,jack,queen,king in that order. To qualify as 5 spades, 5 diamonds, 5 clubs, 5 hearts. These cards can be arranged backwards example 6,5,4,3,2 or king,queen,jack,10,9.

Four of a kind needs to be arranged in this order Clubs,Diamonds,Spades,Hearts, or backwards, and can wrap if necessary. See the examples below.

                                                            Kings Assassin

My contact information can be found at my websites: 

Just email me at

Get Started Today. What are you passionate about?
Write your business idea down.
Write your business plan.
Create a Blog
Monetize your blog
Register your domain name
Create your website
Monetize your website
Tell people what you are doing
Get a PayPal account
Get a Ebay account
Seek extra cash if needed
Start an online trading account
Sign up for a free newsletter or several free newsletters
Start a MLM organization or register with a MLM/Network Market organization

When people ask me what do I do? I want to say I help people make money, even better, I show them how to become, independently wealthy.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

App Promotion

See My App Promotion below.

Mobile devices as a primary business tool or leisure distraction from work; are growing at a rapid rate, each year more and more people are choosing to use a mobile phone, tablet pc, and other such devices, as their goto or do it all machine. You may hand someone your business card, you may send a potential client a post card, you may even still use snail mail to communicate with your customers, however you can be certain of this fact, those forms of communication do not leave the house, and I am sure they have a special place where they get filed.

The one thing you can be sure of, when people leave their house, their mobile device, is sure to be in their purse, attached to their hip, tucked in a pocket, or it has a nice satchel or carrying case. You get the picture, but what you probably do not have is your own digital footprint, a website is nice, and we highly suggest that you have one, but what I am offering you here, is your own App, that will find it’s place on all those mobile devices, and unlike business cards, post cards, snail mail, your App will always be at your friend or customers fingertips.
Let us get started on your personal App today. Send your design and specifics to, and we will send you a price quote.
Thank You
Get Your App Started Today!

App Promotion 

Buy and Play this App, then Send a screenshot to, for a chance to win $25 american express gift card. This is a weekly drawing, to enter drawing registration is not required, however if you win you must register and leave a comment that you won, before we send you your prize.

Buy and Play this App, then Send a screenshot to, for a chance to win $25 american express gift card. This is a weekly drawing, to enter drawing registration is not required, however if you win you must register and leave a comment that you won, before we send you your prize.

Download this App, and Send a screenshot to, and receive our deepest and sincerest gratitude. It is an awesome App and it is free, what more could you want.
See Official Rules at

Monday, February 11, 2013

I Will Build an iPhone App Part 9

JAN 24 2013

Restored the project from a backup, good news, the failed with exit code 1, has gone away, however the Code Sign Error still exist. The help on the internet is confusing, but am willing to try to decipher, what they are trying to tell me. Change a few parameters and still CODE SIGN ERROR, I know it has something to do with bundle identifier. 

Finally all issue’s resolved, I have successfully uploaded my iPhone App to the App store for review.

I am begging you Apple, just give me a passing grade, so I can return to my life before I decided to become an App Developer.

For now we will have to wait and see if my App is approved.

JAN 25 2013

Waiting for review

JAN 26 2013

Waiting for review

 JAN 27 2013

Waiting for review

JAN 28 2013

Waiting for review

JAN 29 2013

Waiting for review

JAN 30 2013

My App was rejected, because when reviewed on the iPad 3rd Gen running iOS 6.1, on both Wi-Fi and cellular networks, it exhibited one or more bugs, which is not in compliance with the App Store Review Guidelines. App works on iPad 2nd Gen and on iPhones, not good enough. No choice but to fix the bugs on the iPad 3rd Gen.
How disappointing is this?
Made the appropriate adjustments to the story board for the iPad, build succeeded.
Resubmitted the App for review.

Waiting for review again.
JAN 31 2013

Waiting for review

FEB 1 2013

Waiting for review

FEB 2 2013

Waiting for review

FEB 3 2013

Waiting for review

FEB 4 2013

Waiting for review

FEB 5 2013

In Review, Ready for Sale, All in one day.

Oh yeah, finally, now what, tell everybody I know.

My contact information can be found at my websites: 

Just email me at

I Will Build an iPhone App Part 8

JAN 22 2013

With some trial and error, and some more google time, and just plain old shooting in the dark, I figure out how to get the App uploaded to my iPad without have to restore. The game in my opinion is awesome, and it worked just the way it was designed.

After some time, I was able to complete the Apple Developer process online, again I had no idea what I was getting myself into. If you have ever built an App and submitted it to the App store, than you know exactly what I mean. It is quite an ordeal, the steps you take, makes you feel like they really, do not want you to upload Apps, it really seems like a deterrent. Imagine having to get your birth certificate, your social security card, your drivers license, and your passport in one day. There is no way the process was this complicated, when the App store was first started. So I, now have an Apple Id, a developer certificate, a provisioning certificate, I have downloaded a certificate assistant, I have downloaded the application uploader, I am ready to put my App on the App store. Not so fast Kimosabe, you have to prepare the App for delivery, which includes editing the scheme, some tweaks in the organizer and archiving the project, validating and distribution.

What in the hypotenuse is a code sign error, or failed with exit code 1, failed with exit code 11, the last I checked, I ran my project without any issues, now I am stuck?

Been at this for several hours now still cannot fix the various errors.

This will have to wait until tomorrow.

JAN 23 2013

Still trying to fix the errors from yesterday, another eight hours of futility.

Good grief Charlie Brown, I just want people to be able to buy my App. It is not enough to learn how to write and develop and debug, but you have to beg and plead, just to be able to upload it to the App Store. This is my fault, I should have went and got a degree, before taking on such a laborious task.

So close, finally fixed the failed with exit code 11, however cannot understand what is up with the Code Sign Error, or the failed with exit code 1. Think I am going to have to do the unthinkable.

It will have to wait.

My contact information can be found at my websites: 

Just email me at

I Will Build an iPhone App Part 7

JAN 20 2013

Found the answer I was looking for, solved multiple problems at the same time. Timer goes off after three minutes, alarm sounds, alert popup to get new code, and the SHOW ME THE MONEY button is disabled when the time expires. Oh Yeah, I am back in the drivers seat. Now to get the scoring problem straight, those crazy, if and else statements are driving me over the cliff. If this condition exist do that, else if this condition exist award the user one coin. No, No, No do not award the user if the code is not right, who wrote this App anyway.

Decided to add links to my website’s and to twitter, App freezes, debugging now, found the issue. All links work, now adding a few more assets to clean up the App.

Back to the scoring methodology, the last bump in the road, ninety-five percent complete, a little excitement is building up inside. Built a new sample project to test different coding conditions. In my sample project, I have one button controlling three scoring simulations. Continue to try different coding solutions label field increases by two, the text field increases by three, and the other text field only goes to two and stops.
Not giving up now, tried some more coding solutions, but the thing is, only one code is the right code for this project.

Problem Solved.................

I have built an iPhone App from scratch.

The worst thing about the App, I designed it, I raised it, I gave it life, and it beat me, how is that for irony? 

Went to apple’s website to become an iOS developer, paid ninety-nine dollars. Will submit the App to apple soon.

JAN 21 2013

Spent most of the day completing the registration, and setting up devices to test the App in a real world application. However that process failed because I had already loaded iOS 6, on my iPad, and now to be able to use it as a test device, I will have to restore it to a previous version, set it up as a developer device, then reinstall iOS 6. This is providing, that I understood the directions properly.

OK, I think I will do some research and see if there is another way.

My contact information can be found at my websites: 

Just email me at

Thursday, February 7, 2013

I Will Build an iPhone App Part 6

JAN 4 2013

Same problems exist, my sample Apps perform magnificently, however my main App, laughs at me, it is taunting me. It has been a month now, since I said, I will build an iPhone App. The holidays have come and gone, my deadline has passed, and I am still just seventy-five percent complete, I have stalled. Maybe I should have taking some programming classes, maybe I will take some programming classes.

I have tried unsuccessfully, to get the sound to work when the timer goes off. It seems so simple, I set my alarm clock on my phone every night, and without fell it goes off at every morning at the time specified, however I am trying to get this App to sound an alarm after three minutes. I am a beginner, this is true, but does it not seem to you that you should be able to type play alarm clock sound three minutes after the play now button is press. Let’s not mention the problem with disabling the SHOW ME THE MONEY button when the time expires.

Sorry I am crying on your shoulder, but I have come undone.

Need a break.

JAN 5 2013 thru JAN 12 2013

Just looking at Xcode.

No Data...................

JAN 13 2013 thru JAN 18 2013

Just looking at Xcode.

Watching tutorials on youtube, researching google, reading the book I bought from iBooks. Tried modifying some sample Projects.

No Data...................

JAN 19 2013

Decided to work on a Second View Controller, build and run App comes up in the simulator with a blank dark screen. Researched why, no real answers, it worked in the youtube videos. Tried some other suggestions, same results, decided to stick with one view controller, deleted data in the story board for the second view controller, App crashed. Found the problem, somewhere between fixing it and falling asleep on my laptop.

Walk away.

My contact information can be found at my websites: 

Just email me at

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

I Will Build an iPhone App Part 5

DEC 31 2012

Decided to take a little vacation from software development.

No Data.......................

JAN 1 2012

It felt so good to relax, did it again.

No Data......................

JAN 2 2013

Attached the sound files to the program, had to setup audio service framework in Xcode to do this, attached the sounds to each button, but to get an individual sound to play at giving interval, puzzled me, and the internet had these long drawn out solutions, that did not work and caused my App to crash. Oh no not again, I have come so far, what now. Deleted the lines of code, and will try again later. Tried to fix another major problem, Xcode was trying to tell me why the App would freeze and take me to the debugging process, however at the same time, it stated that there where no issues. 

Need a break!

JAN 3 2013

I have become antisocial, and only able to communicate in x’s, o’s, curly brackets, percentage signs, integers, plus signs, factually I am finding it hard to write today. I have not worked on my other blogs, I have not updated my websites, and I have completely stopped thinking about the novel I was working on. The only thing that I can think about is HOW, HOW, HOW to get my App to do this. How did they get their App to do that? 

I had to create sample projects, so that I do not continue to cause issues with the main App. My desktop is cluttered with all of these sample Apps, it is quite a learning experience, and at this point, I am considering letting the professionals finish my App. 

Besides who is going to buy my App anyway, I have put days into this project. What if apple do not even approve it, for the App store? Why can’t I get the scoring process to work? Why does my animation not work? The timer is out of sync with the App, I need to focus on one thing at a time, I need to solve one problem at a time, my brain is like spaghetti on a tea fork. 

I am walking away for a while.

My contact information can be found at my websites: 

Just email me at

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

I Will Build an iPhone App Part 4

DEC 29 2012

Checked google out to see if anyone else was experience a problem with Xcode crashing, and what, if anything, I could do to stave off this displeasing issue. Sure enough a few people, had the very same thing happen, it would seem that if auto layout is selected in Xcode, it would cause the App to crash. This is based on how many buttons and other data is used in your App. The solution, uncheck auto layout, and continue with your project, the solution worked and I was iOS software developer again.
Imagine that, something as small as a check mark in a little box, brings Xcode one of the most powerful programs to its knees. Also, almost caused the derailment of my first iPhone App.

Back to the drawing board, I was now putting Humpty Dumpty back together again, I had put the majority of the assets back in place and attached them to the code, had a successful build and run. It felt good to be back in business, I will tell you this, you have to be dedicated to the project, it would be great if the software behaved like you think, or maybe it was a drag and drop tool, however it would appear that the person who invented programming never intended for other people to use it. There where syntax errors galore, you would never think that a quotation mark or curly bracket, how about a misplaced parenthesis, and other little announces would cause the App not to run. What good is debugging if it does not tell whats wrong, I am just saying, some things you just have to give me details, to why it does not work or what is wrong. Come on apple throw a dog a bone, would you.

I will tell you, I relied heavily upon youtube, google, and apple, and, to help find the answers to the HOW moments.

DEC 30 2012

All the @%{[):;”” where starting to run together (that is coding syntax, not the other stuff), I was seventy-five percent complete, and ran into a major problem with my App. I had the HOW question, but could not find the solution, if and else statements are great in coding, but until you string a serious of them together, you really cannot grasp how the logic works. 

At this time I decided to focus on the sounds my App would make, yes you guessed it, I needed more assets, but sounds are tricky, because someone has manage to copyright, the sounds. You can try to make your own, button have you ever tried to record the sound an ATM machine button makes. I envisioned standing in front of an ATM machine, with my smartphone, trying to record the sound, when a police officer pulls up and arrest me for tampering with an ATM machine. How about the sound a cash register makes, again, with todays technology, are you really trying to record a sound or trying skim someone’s credit card number. Too many questions, not worth the hassle, so I broke down and purchased the sounds from the internet, and now I own the copyright to the sound an ATM machine makes, not really, but it sounds good to say anyway. 

My contact information can be found at my websites: 

Just email me at

Sunday, February 3, 2013

I Will Build an iPhone App Part 3

DEC 12 2012

No Data...............

DEC 13 2012

No Data...............

DEC 14 2012

No Data...............

DEC 15 2012 to DEC 23 2012

No Data...............

DEC 24 2012

Not quite ready to give up on my iPhone App, however I was not interested in being disappointed again.

Thought I might shop online, and find someone to build the App for me. So I developed a proposal, describing how the App will work, even put together a picture of what the App would look like. Posted my job on a few freelance sites, got so many responses, however I could not decide on any one person to turn my baby over to.

Opened Xcode, but did not have the heart to start over.

Decided to watch a movie, what movie you ask, the second installment of Sherlock Holmes with Robert Downey, Jr., during the movie, I decided, I should try one more time. I am really not the sort to give up too easily, and I wanted to make sure that, I had exhausted all options, before paying someone up to three hundred dollars to do it for me.

My contact information can be found at my websites: 

Just email me at

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

I Will Build An iPhone App Part 2

I Will Build An iPhone App Part 2

DEC 6 2012

My iPhone App will require over a hundred different images, and over eighty sound files, some will be duplicated. This is a very tedious process and although it started out fun, it has now become time consuming, however, I am spurred on by the excitement of the final object of my desire, a fully working iPhone App. 

DEC 7 2012

Decide to take a break from creating assets, instead will work on actual programming, this time, I have a new HOW moment. Back to the drawing board, some more research, asking all those internet experts. How can I get my App to do this or that? Sometime the answers are more complicated than they really need to be, but I got some new knowledge, opened Xcode, and put the information to the test, yes, yes, yes, it worked. I just got my App to produce a three digit random number, with the press of one button.

DEC 8 2012

Completed the bulk of the assets, and am now ready to make application, or apply them to the App. This was a very time consuming process, and believe me when I say Xcode did not make it easy for me. I spent the whole weekend setting up a View Controller Scene. Attaching images to round rectangular buttons, to labels, to textfields. Then attaching the buttons, labels, textfields to the code. Every step was like watching your child growing up, every new accomplishment was filled with excitement, but sometimes defeat, but try, try, try again. I could see my App taking the form that I had envisioned, then it happened, on one of the run stages, Xcode crashed. I could not open the Project, I could open new projects but could not open my project. I could not believe this, I had spent the whole weekend, working on this project and I could not even open it, Thinks Apple. 

DEC 10 2012

Tried for the final time to open my project, but to no avail, I admitted defeat, I chalked it up to rookie programmer error. Started from the beginning, this time the process went faster, and just when you are ready to reach out and grab the trophy, you are disqualified, because of some obscure rule, Xcode crashed again. I am not a cursing man and if I where, I know exactly what words to use. I was sorely disappointed, my hopes for this project, my iPhone App dashed to pieces. Maybe I should just pay someone to build the App for me, besides, who needs the frustration, my family, thought that I could use a break from Xcode.

DEC 11 2012

No data..............

My contact information can be found at my websites: 

Just email me at

Monday, January 28, 2013

I will Build an iPhone App

I will Build an iPhone App

I will build an iPhone App! You must understand, the only experience I have in programming is machine language, which went the way of the dinosaur, I can write batch files, but who use DOS anymore. To tell you the exact extent of my knowledge in iOS, (Hello World!), thats right, the first line of code, any programmer learns, what would we do without, (Hello World!), maybe when computers first came out, that was a grand accomplishment, now it is just a cliche. So when I had this grand idea, that I would build an iPhone App, it would be safe to say I had no idea what I was getting myself into.

DEC 4 2012

What is the first thing you do? If you are me you would research, research, research, buy a book, download some tutorials, maybe there is a program that will make it easy. After you have exhausted all of these options, at the end of the day, you are just as confused as you where when you started. It is time to get serious, just open up Xcode, Apple’s software development program to help you write, program, build an iPhone App.  At first you just stir at the screen, asking yourself, which idea, should I put to task first, then you fantasize about how elaborate your App will be. You start to think about all the things your App will do, maybe even become the top selling App of 2013. Then reality sets in again and you get a good dose of, What where you thinking, I am not a programmer. By now an hour or more has gone by, and you have not written one line of code, you have not even click, start new project. Give up now, just close your laptop, and go watch TV, or surf the Web, leave the programming to the experts.

DEC 5 2012

Had a dream, about a good idea, for an App, I was excited about this, and could not wait to open Xcode for round two of, I will build an iPhone App! Same problem as yesterday, I do not know what I am doing, but this time I have a conceptual design in my head, of what the App will look like, what it will do. Now the question is, how do I make it do that? That is the HOW, the great motivator, ever quest should start with a HOW. So, I  am back to the web, searching google, searching apple forums, all the sites that help you find the answer to, how can I make Xcode or the iPhone do that? I am sorry but, I will not be giving away my idea, just yet. I will tell you this, I have found the answer to the first HOW. This time when I opened Xcode, I went right to Create a New Xcode Project, I wrote my first line of code, I wrote another line of code, I was done with .h, now to move to .m. I wrote some more code, I was doing it, I was programming, small steps lead to great adventures. I went to story board and created some buttons, attached the buttons to the code, clicked run, click the button in the App, wa la, it worked, I had just produced a random number. Now this is far from the final App, but it was a start. If you are going to build an App, you need assets, assets are all the things that give the App and the code life, this includes pictures, sounds, and animation, and labels. This would require another type of program, a drawing program. Time to get to work creating the assets.

My contact information can be found at my websites: 

Just email me at